dinsdag 18 februari 2014

Marketingwijsheid #5: 15 Words of Wisdom

Het boekje "Marketing Wijsheden om te Delen" is een bundel met 57 marketingwijsheden met als doel de de rijke kennis delen die de klanten, docenten en vrienden van het DM Institute door de jaren heen hebben opgebouwd. Want kennis delen is de rode draad in alle activiteiten van het DM Institute. De afgelopen 25 jaar maar ook de komende 25 jaar. De onderstaande wijsheden komen van Andy Cohen, één van de eerste docenten. De DM kennis in België was toen nog beperkt zodat het DM Institute genoodzaakt was om op zoek te gaan naar buitenlandse sprekers.

1. Advertising doesn’t create the brand. The customer Experience does

2. Without a constant influx of new ideas, any business will slowly flicker like a candle in the wind and eventually, die

3. The slow nurturing of ideas is a luxury that is now behind us. Today ideas must come with speed for a business to thrive

4. Competition for time, money and space demands that we think differently to stay ahead

5. Trust is established when a consumer believes they have choice and control #FollowtheOtherHand

6. Every company needs to think differently at a time when there are more products and services than a consumer can buy

7. Even if a customer loves the product, there are too many opportunities to forget about the product or be offered something better by a competitor

8. Success in today’s business begins by building and emotional relationship w/ the customer before they buy the product or service

9. Trust: the hardest relationship to establish, yet the most binding when it actually does happen

10.Choice combined with control leads to trust and building long-term relations #FollowtheOtherHand

11.Innovation is technology with drama & one of the most powerful ways to create a WOWing customer experience

12.New ideas have to be presented with the expectation that the audience will not understand.

13.Thinking differently produces ideas or solutions that haven’t been conceived before and therefore take time to digest.

14.It’s common to fall in love with your 1st idea. Overcome the “love factor” by creating two or more equally great ideas.

15.Many times great ideas have come by listening to suggestions that at first seem plain dumb.

Andrew Cohen,
Chairman Andy Cohen Worldwide

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